Due to one of the production companies of our film (Universal studios), being owned by amulti media conglomerate, this will allow our film to be marketed in many beneficial ways :

1 traditional forms of marketing - will allow our film to be marketed in film magazine

2 viral marketing - a platform which will help reach our target audience, this being an age demographic which uses social media.
We will also be able to market our film between film channels, radio stations and adverts.

3 merchandise - Our film belongs to the Thriller genre, this will enable marketing through merchandise, video games and comic books. This will entice the audience into viewing our production.

4 magazine pages - Along with film magazines, we wanted to traditionally market our film through reaching a wider audience and older age demographic, beyond our target audience. We expressed our thriller film in the advert pages of magazines.

5 press packs - we wanted our press packs to remain with in a business environment, it contains a pre packaged set of promotional materials, providing information about our production.

6 red carpet events/premiere - Having a red carpet event and premier involving actor appearances, will allow the celebrities to promote the movie further. As well as them gaining information about the narrative and actors appearing in the production.

  1. Traditional forms of marketing 
  2. Viral marketing 
  3. Merchandise
  4. Magazine covers
  5. Press packs
  6. Red carpet events and a premiere
  7. Actor appearances
Traditional forms of marketing will enable our film to be marketed in film magazines. Alongside film magazines covers, as a group we have deiced to traditionally market our film through reaching an older/ wider age demographic, we marketed our film in the advert pages in magazines.


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