Shot list for trailer 1:

Establishing shot – of stone grove street, busy/traffic
Establishing shot –  wood lane –– low angle shot
Establishing shot – this shot will be an alternative angle 
Medium shot of Tatiana running/walking – tracking shot

Cut to black + car crash sound effect 

Medium close up - Tatiana reaction shot (she turns her head sideways of her looking the crash for a second) (heartbeat music/scary music playing)
Close up of door handle –  Tatiana opening the door
Close up - tatiana face opening door from the car windows perspective but not through the window 
Medium shot – film from driver’s seat of Tatiana opening the door – speech ‘are u ok’
Handheld tracking shot medium shot – of the bush across the car and dead girl in the car 
Close up OR extreme close up of the eyes of the dead girl
Extreme close up of tatiana eyes
Another extreme close up of Jemima eyes 

Haunting shots:
Medium shot - of main protagonist going about daily life
Medium shot - of ghost
Close up - of ghost
Close up - of Tatiana when ghost disappears
Long shot - When ghost isn’t there …(bus stop for example, car, bathroom) with no one in there

Example of hauntings: FASTER EDITING
Steam shower haunting :
Close up - of Tatiana’s feet outside the shower 
Close up - of mirror with writing on it
Bus stop haunting :
Over shoulder shot - (from Tatiana pov) of ghost at the bus stop  
Close up – long shot of ghost not at the bus stop 
Therapist sitting in front of books in room 1 : “you need to come to turns with your guilt” (face looking down but eyes looking up to the camera as she says it - the camera is tatiana’s pov)
Reaction shot of tatiana listening to what shes saying
End haunting:
Medium shot - of ghost is sitting at makeup desk – taking off all her makeup 

Medium shot of therapist watching tatiana through the window with hands up to the window, eyes widened looking scary


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