Trailer 2

Close up- of antagonist with head on will unconscious
Medium Close up - of protagonist trying to help antagonist
Long shot - of antagonist on a bench staring
Medium Long shot - of protagonist walking
Long shot - of the bench and the antagonist disappearing from a car
Two shot - of protagonist walking and antagonist following behind
Medium shot - of protagonist in shower and seeings “I see you” on the glass
Over the shoulder - of protagonist siting at a restaurant and antagonist looking in
Medium shot - of antagonist staring in to the restaurant
Medium close up - of therapist sitting talking to protagonist
Over the Shoulder - of antagonist watching protagonist get our her car
Long shot - of antagonist sitting on the floor staring
Close up - of protagonist shopping and being shocked
Point of view - of antagonist drawing on pictures of the protagonist
Over the shoulder - of antagonist ripping the pictures of protagonist up
Close up - of therapist
Long shot - of protagonist running
Medium shot - of antagonist ripping a picture up of protagonist
Close up - of protagonist looking out window
Birds eye view - of antagonist stroking protagonists hair in bed
Medium shot - of antagonist walking upstairs with knife
Close up - of protagonist scared

Extreme close up - of antagonists eyes


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