The main protagonist, a girl, witnesses a car crash and doesn't help the passenger. She becomes increasingly paranoid  for not helping to the point where it now affects her daily life majorly as she's being haunted by the 'killed' passenger. Her relationships in her life changed for the worse and she can not recover them, her boyfriend breaks up with her and she feels isolated from her friendship group. She too loses her job. Finally she agrees to see a therapist, which turns out to make her feel increasing worse. The therapist seems to be encouraging her to take her own life. The audience are unaware of whether this is the girls paranoia or whether the therapist is really pushing her in this direction. As the film ends we learn that the therapist is the dead girls mother. The audience are unaware whether the visions or ghost that she see's is part of her paranoia through the guilt dominating her life or whether she really is alive.


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